Corvus is my webcomic that I've been thinking about non-stop since the age of 14. I only really thought about making a comic out of it around 2016/2017. It went through a LOT of changes. I finally felt like I knew enough about the story to create a comic- BIG MISTAKE!!! I spent all of quarantine working when I wasn’t in online classes. The only issue was, once I got to about page 30, I hit a roadblock. I realized that I had no clue what any of these people were doing and the entire middle of the story was a massive, elemental haze. So I didn’t upload anything for another year and focused on senior year of high school. Enter- MY FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE! This is when things really changed for me. I learned so much and met so many new people— all of the experiences I had this year influenced me to rewrite Corvus entirely. So, bouncing ideas off of my awesome roommate, an actual script for Corvus was made. It taught me so much and made me realize so many things about the story that I don’t know how I expected to finish it without a script back in 2021. So, now, in 2023, the script for Corvus is complete. The story is ready. All that I need now is to start drawing! I’m so excited to start up this project again. It really means everything to me, and I hope you all will like it when it comes out. Thanks for reading :)